Data Management
How do we collect your data?
Data is collected only through completion of this form, assessment and sessions.
How will we use your data?
We collect data so that we can have up to date contact details to arrange appointments, issue invoices, contact next of kin or GPs.
Who will see my data?
Your data will only be used within the scope of managing your appointments, invoices and personal safety. Your data will not be shared with other services for any other reasons.
How do we store your data?
Your data will be stored in a secure, controlled manner
How can I review my data?
Requests for details of all data held can be forwarded to Well In Mind therapy via e-mail.
Privacy and Confidentiality
The privacy and confidentiality of your sessions is our utmost concern. While our therapists and counsellors might keep brief process notes of your session, this information will only be shared under the following conditions:
a. Clinical supervision: all our therapists and counsellors undergo twice monthly clinical supervision to ensure the quality and ethical process of our practice. All information within supervision sessions will be anonymised and treated as confidential by all parties involved in the process.
b. Legally required: under circumstances where required by statute, ordered by a judge or presiding officer of the Court only data relevant to the request might be shared.
c. In public interest: information might be shared if there is a justifiable concern for public safety, to protect you or the public from serious harm and/or due to the risk of serious crime.
d. For your personal safety: in the event that there is a serious concern for your physical health data might be disclosed to your GP, mental health service, social services and/or safeguarding units. Any such disclosures will be discussed with you prior to such disclosure and you will be advised of the steps taken.
e. At your request: data may be shared with such individuals and/or services as you have requested. Any disclosures at your request will be discussed with you in detail prior to such disclosure. Please note that our therapists and counsellors cannot make clinical or occupational diagnosis.
Should you have any queries please discuss with your therapist or counsellor, or contact us via e-mail.
77a High Street
RH16 2HN
01444 272990
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